Format Hard Disk by Using Notpad

Hello Friends, here a Notepad trick to format your hard disk. With this trick you can Format your Hard Disk Drive with notpad Or Destroy someone Hard Disk Drive with Notpad. To format HDD, binary digits are used. These are written in Notepad, which is very common text editor. Notepad is also used to create web pages or simple documents.       HARDDISK   
Computer only understands binary language like 0 and 1. Computer neither understand Assembly Language nor High Level Language. So this code is written in Binary Digits or Binary Language. If you like this post please subscribe to us for new updates.

Steps to create this trick:-

  • To Open Notepad, click on StartAll ProgramsAccessories and then click on Notepad.
  • Copy and paste the below code in Notepad.
  • Now click on Save Button or simply press Ctrl + S to save your Document.
Note:- When you Save your Document, make sure that you must Save your Document with .exe extension. Like format.exe
Note:- This is for Educational Purpose Only. Do it with your own Risk.
You can also send this software to your friend or someone else via email or anything else. When targeted person open this software then software running to complete his work.
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