Remotely disable Apple Pay on a lost or stolen iPhone

Find My iPhone is where you can find the tools to disable Apple Pay.Jason Cipriani/CNET

Apple Pay has been touted as one of the most secure payment methods we've ever seen. Between its tokenization model and the requirement for your fingerprint before a payment can be processed, it's easy to see why.
Even still, losing an iPhone that acts as your wallet can be a bit unnerving. Granted, it's unlikely any would be thief would have access to a perfect copy of your fingerprint, Apple has included a method to disable Apple Pay on a lost device using its Find My iPhone service.
Should you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having a lost or stolen iPhone, here's what you can do to disable Apple Pay.

Lost Mode disables Apple Pay on your lost device.Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET

  • Log in to your iCloud account on (or using another iOS device with the Find My iPhoneapp installed).
  • Select Find My iPhone from the list of options.
  • Find and select the device you've lost to begin tracking it.
  • Activate Lost Mode on your device, being sure to enter a phone number and lock-screen message to aid in the return of your device.
As soon as Lost Mode is enabled on an iOS device, any Apple Pay information is immediately disabled until you've reclaimed your device. Unlocking the device with your pin code will reactivate your payment info.
Not only does Find My iPhone offer a way to disable Apple Pay, but of course, it offers a method to actually track and find your lost or stolen device. The extra peace of mind of having your payment info disabled while you track your phone is undoubtedly an appreciated feature.

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