CamScanner turns your smartphone into a document scanner

Have you ever seen something in a newspaper or magazine that you wanted to scan but you were away from home and didn’t have a scanner handy?
Or perhaps a friend showed you a document that you would have liked to have had a copy of, but there was no scanner available at the time?
With a wonderful free app called CamScanner, you can capture high quality scans of documents using your smartphone – no computer or stand-alone scanner required! 
CamScanner can be used to scan most any kind of text document with excellent sharpness and clarity, even when the lighting leaves a bit to be desired. You can scan pages from a book or magazine, restaurant receipts, business cards, the labels on products at the grocery store…pretty much anything in fact.
As regular readers of this blog know, I’m all about finding free apps and programs, and CamScanner is one of the best apps I have ever used – free or paid.
You can read more at the CamScanner website where you’ll also find links for downloading the app onto your iPhone, iPad or Android device.
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