Clean out and speed up Windows with CCleaner

I love free software that helps me complete my daily tasks and keep my PC running fast and smooth, and one of my absolute favorites is CCleaner from Piriform, a great company that produces some of the best software out there, free or otherwise.
CCleaner is like a maid for the file system of your Windows PC or Mac, keeping it clear of clutter such as temporary files, recent documents, cookies, obsolete form data, download history…in fact most any “leftovers” that tend to build up and clutter up your hard drive and slow down your system.
Also, if you’re concerned about online security, it will remove virtually every trace of your Internet browsing history making it more difficult for hackers and spammers to learn about your browsing habits and steal your personal information.
This screenshot gives an example of some of the items removed by a recent scan of my PC:

I use CCleaner at least once a week and I strongly recommend that you do the same. You can learn more about this awesome program and download it for free at
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