‘HiJack Hunter’ helps you determine if malware has taken over your PC or changed critical system settings

Do you suspect that malware might be slowing down your PC or putting your data at risk, yet nothing is detected during a virus or spyware scan?
Or do you suspect that malware that was found and removed changed some of your Windows settings and/or disabled certain features such as the Task Manager or the ability to boot into Safe Mode?
Even the best anti-malware programs have a difficult time catching all the viruses, trojans and spyware that is out there today. That’s why it helps to have a low-level system scanner that can root out and report every single running process and detect any suspicious system activity. 
A great free download called HiJack Hunter will scour your Windows installation from top to bottom and report everything (both good and bad) that it finds in a comprehensive log file. You can then look through the log file and try to identify any malicious items that might be running on your PC.
The log file created by a HiJack Hunter scan won’t be of much use to you directly if you don’t really know what you’re looking for (and most users probably won’t), but you can easily email it to a tech savvy friend and ask him/her to analyze it for you.
If malware or suspicious activity shows up in the log file, you can then either try to get rid of it yourself or ask for assistance from a knowledgeable friend or a computer repair shop.
You can also use HiJack Hunter to restore system settings that were changed by a previous malware infection and re-enable any tools and utilities that might have been disabled (i.e. Task Manager, Safe Mode, etc.).
HiJack Hunter has far too many features and capabilities to mention here, but the log files alone are well worth the download in my opinion. You can download HiJack Hunter for free right here.
Note: I recommend downloading the Portable version of HiJack Hunter because you’ll be able to run it immediately without having to install it on your system.
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