Apple Pay Launch Helped Google Wallet Usage Grow

google wallet
Wallet has been available as a mobile payment system for a while now, the service launched back in 2011, and Apple just recently launched their own mobile payment system called Apple Pay.
We heard recently that Apple Pay has 1 million credit card activations in the first 72 hours, making the service more popular than Google Wallet, although it would appear that the launch of Apple Pay has also helped increase the usage of Google’s mobile payment service.
According to a recent report by Ars Technica, weekly transactions with Google Wallet have increased by 50 percent since the launch of Apple Pay and also the number of new users of the service have almost double over the last few months.
With the recent press that Apple got with the launch of Apple Pay, it has obviously also brought attention to other mobile payment systems like Google Wallet.
And with many more retailers than before now supporting mobile payments since Apple Pay launched, this could also have contributed to in increased usage of Google’s Wallet.
Source Ars Technica
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