Cielo WiGle Smart Home Automation System (video)

smart home
Cielo WiGle has this week launched a new smart home automation system that it has created to help users control certain appliances, devices and lights around their home directly from their smartphone using the companion application.
The Cielo WiGle smart home system works by simply placing your WiLi in between your light and holder or place WiGle on or near the appliance to be controlled. Watch the video below to learn more and see the system in action.
The system supports a wide range of devices and appliances from manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony, Kenwood, LG, Panasonic Fujitsu and more. The Cielo WiGle smart home project is currently over on the Kickstarter crowd funding website looking to raise $50,000 in pledges to make the jump from concept to production.
“The simplistic app will automatically sense your Cielo WiGle devices and your home WiFi and within no time you will be able to control and manage your connected lights, appliances, environment and surroundings. After the registration of first device the registration of further similar devices is even more convenient.
WiGle integrates with our mobile application which comes with tonnes of controls for your home appliances ranging from preset modes, preset heating or cooling environments, iOS extensibility (integration with alarm clock, notification centers etc.) and appliance grouping functionality giving you ultimate ease of control.”

If you think the Cielo WiGle smart home automation system can help you visit the Kickstarter website to make a pledge and help Cielo WiGle smart home become a reality via the link below.

Source: Kickstarter
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