We are receiving more govt. requests for content removal, reveals Facebook

Facebook has revealed that it is now receiving more requests than last year requesting content removal.
Facebook has released the Global Government Requests Report this week in which it said that there is an increase of about 24 percent since the last half of 2013, in number of data requests.
Since our first report, we’ve seen an increase in government requests for data and for content restrictions in says in a blog post. In the first 6 months of 2014, the social network received 34,946 requests for data from governments around the world. Compared to data requests received last year this is an increase 24 percent. During the same time, the amount of content restricted because of local laws increased about 19 percent the company further said.
Facebook mentions that it has challenged bulk search orders from a New York Court last year, which it calls as the largest request it received till date. But the company mentions that it has argued that such requests “violate the privacy rights of the people on Facebook and ignore constitutional safeguards against unreasonable searches and seizures.”
Note that Facebook has been in news for multiple times baecause of user privacy concerns.
In an hour long interview to Jane Mayer of The New Yorker the NSA whistleblower advised users to stay away from Facebook, Google and Dropbox. Google and Facebook have improved security but are still “dangerous services” to opt for, he said as he advised people to practice using encrypted messages. Read  more - Stay away from Facebook, Google, Dropbox, says Snowden
Recently Facebook also updated its Messenger app with improvements to make the app faster and make it work on wearables. This raised huge roar as Facebook made it a mandatory download. The Permission page of the all looked like wanting our phones to work as ‘dummy phones’ with no user privacy at all. Read more - PRIVACY ALERT: Why is Facebook FORCING users to download its Messenger?
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